The weather in Indiana has turned cold so it looks like the winter will be assembly. The frame is under the body and I am preparing to finish cleaning/painting the rails for the marriage between the frame and the body.

Body bolts/bushings are not available but there are a few options. I will provide a list of the kits that I was able to match for assembly. Unfortunately, the hardware was too bad to save from the original and I will be making a few parts as I move forward this winter. A little welding and I should have everything needed to put it together.
I have been reviewing the thousands of pictures from taking the car apart to make sure everything is correct. Oh...how bad it was when I started. Within a few weeks, I should have a rolling car again!

I am mounting the transmission on a stand to have it rebuilt this winter. I have an extra c6 transmission I can use as trade for services.
Seems like a lifetime ago! |
In the past week, I have mounted the springs on the frame in preparation for attaching to the rear axle. I did notice a slight leak out of the pinion seal and changed that before sliding it under the frame.
The real problem now is the cold and cleaning. With a small garage, all of my parts and frame are covered with a light dust so I will be cleaning and marking for some touch up soon.
Was it ever this bad? |
I was also able to get the front end started. New ball joints, wheel bearings, and bushings. You will notice that I have put the old drum breaks on the front. I hope to change over to the disk brakes but for now, I wanted to assemble to have the car rolling. Changing to disk brakes can wait until a later date when there is more mobility.
I have to thank Autozone...of all places. They had almost all of the parts and with coupons, it was actually cheap to get parts. Only a couple of parts were incorrect and easily located.